Appalachian Folk Art and Geology

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Historical & Indigenous Art Modern Art Mineral Resources Significant Mines Mining Impacts Photos Bibliography

One of the oldest known human pastimes is the creation of art, and for the thousands of years preceding modern art materials, art was made with anything that could be found in nature. Everything from massive rock faces to lumps of clay became canvasses for human expression - and many of the modes of expression available to early humans were heavily influenced by the geology of the area they lived in. The American Southeast and the Appalachians in particular have an incredibly long and complex geologic history that contributed to the types of art in the area, including paintings, carvings, and pottery. This website aims to provide information on art old and new, the geology behind that art, and the impacts of acquiring these materials.

Made by the Pet Rocks: Sam, Angie, Olivia, George, and Zach. ENVR 282.